Electronic triode and crystal triode
Electronic triode and crystal triode
Transistors are all triodes and are semiconductor devices. There is also a triode, called an electron triode, or a triode tube. It is a kind of electron tube that has been eliminated. It is rarely used now, and it is difficult to see it in electronic products.
The transistor is made of a semiconductor material such as silicon or germanium. A P-type semiconductor and an N-type semiconductor are produced by a doping process, and a PN junction having a unidirectional conductivity is formed in a region where P and N are transferred, and a more complicated process is produced by these. element. The electron triode is a vacuum device with a filament inside, a cathode, an anode, and the like. The birth of semiconductor components was later than that of electron tubes, but the birth of semiconductor devices quickly replaced the widely used tubes at that time. The tubes were thus silenced and used only in a few special occasions. In contrast, crystal triodes are widely used because of their lower cost, smaller size, longer life, more resistance to mechanical shock, and higher efficiency.